For entrepreneurs and amateurs alike, blogging is one cool way to generate online activity into hard cash. You can increase the visibility of your blogs with the help of distribution tools like Technorati or FeedBurner and be satisfied with the passive dollars rolling into your bank account.
But if want to take on a more active role to monetize blogs, then you will need to read onward.
There are quite a few sites that pay you good cash to write a review about their clients and their products/services. This is nothing new; think of it as a newspaper ad. You will be endorsing a product/service but in your own words.
The number of sites that offer 'paid to blog' memberships are so many that making sense of the lot can take up a bit of your time. However, I have taken the liberty to list out a few here. So read on -
1. Sponsored Reviews - This site offers paid reviews and generally pays anywhere from $5 upwards. Note that the higher your page rank or visitor count should net you a higher pay per review. Sponsored reviews acts like a kiosk putting the buyers and publishers together. You can bid on an offer and if the buyer is interested, he or she will select your bid. You will need to complete the review within certain duration, and the payment is paid once a week via paypal.
2. Pay Per Post - This is another good site to join. However, the site does not offer much for blogs without page rank but every now and then they come out with a $50 'free for all.' The competition is intense for such opportunities, but if your site does have a decent page rank, there are quite a few great opportunities here that you can enjoy. Payment can be made via paypal, and the site is mulling over accepting other means of payment.
3. Blogsvertise - This site sends their assignments to you by email or you can log in and click on the 'grab bag'. The site does not boast of many assignments but does send a few good ones every now and then. Payment via paypal.
4. Smorty - This site has emerged as a sort of hub, between the advertisers and bloggers. For one, the opportunities listed here are up for grabs, literally. That is, it is on a 'first come, first serve' basis. So, irrespective of whether your blog is ranked or not, you will have a pretty good chance of landing an opportunity here.
5. Blogitive - This site is similar to Smorty in the sense that the opportunities offered here are at random and on a 'first come,first serve' basis. They generally pay around $5 each and payment is made via paypal.
These are just a few sites to help you further monetize your blogs. You can register at any of these sites for free and start writing the reviews. By getting paid to blog, you will be able to net an active income on a weekly basis. But remember - you will be required to provide fresh content between each review, so keep that in mind and Happy Writing!
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Isak Griffiths is a Professional Coach and founder of Axioi, Inc.: "Working with people who are passionate about life, and who are ready to transform ideas and dreams into reality and action. Building community one person at time through honesty, integrity, clarity, humor, dignity, kindness, and compassion."
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29 Okt 2011
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