- Understand what your audience wants before you write a word. What problems do they have? What solutions can you offer them? What expertise will you share for free and what can you offer as a product or service for purchase?
- Know your target market's preferred methods for consuming information and learning. Are they great readers? Is their time for your blog limited to a couple of bullet points? Would they listen to a podcast or watch a training video-even a long one-while doing something else like commuting or exercising? How often do they want to hear from you? How often is too often--leading to disinterest and causing your readers to unsubscribe?
- Don't just write. Include links to valuable information and special offers. Add pictures and graphics. Embed audio and video. Be sure to tag these for better search engine optimization. Keep it interesting by varying your presentation.
- Encourage community input. Ask questions. Invite comments. Respond to great ideas and other input. Thank contributors for their comments by mentioning them by name when you share their input in a future blog post. Ask a question on Twitter and let your followers know you are compiling their valuable feedback into a blog post.
- Make it easy to share. Include share buttons, a subscribe feature, and an RSS feed. Mention your latest post on social networking sites. Include links to your blog in your e-zine or newsletter.
- Have a clear purpose. Be clear about your purpose. Why are you blogging? What value will you bring to your readers? Will you be reviewing the latest tools and technology? Will your posts be a series of tutorials on how to make the most of your products? Will you be responding to customers in real time?
- Stick to a plan. Although blogging in the moment works well for some people, you would be wise to develop a plan for blogging and stick to it. By committing to blog on a regular schedule, you are frequently in your readers' minds and you are demonstrating your willingness to make a commitment and carry it through, building your credibility in the process.
28 Jan 2022
Write Better Business Blog For Beginner with Seven Tips
Are you new to blogging for your business? Do you want to increase your blog readership? Are you eager to reach your target market? Do you want more paying customers? Write a better business blog by following these 7 tips for beginning bloggers.
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