- Attract Visitors. Attracting people to your site starts with offering them plenty of good quality content to read! Obviously this will take time before you can build up an 'inventory' of posts so a little effort and patience here is what you need! You can not expect to earn an income with a blog that has little for visitors to view! Take every opportunity you can to promote your site in order to get the traffic flowing!
- Engage People. What you write needs to not only maintain a relevancy to the central topic of your platform but it also needs to captivate readers! Supplying useful, entertaining or otherwise interesting content is the best way to entice your visitors to return! Without loyal viewers, which is what you are trying to establish here, you can not expect to blog and get paid later on so focus on earning their loyalty!
- Gain Trust. The more you supply updates that people find of interest the more they will learn to develop a trust in you! Remember what you offer in terms of content is available for them to freely view and the more you offer the stronger the trust grows! In time this will serve to increase the effectiveness of any of your promotional efforts thereby making money blogging that much easier!
- Make Offers Relevant. As you do introduce offers they need to be relevant to your site and readers interest but NOT the central focus of your efforts! Always strive to avoid 'heavy handed' sales tactics since in most cases your viewers are there for the content and NOT to be sold! At this point the trust and credibility you've developed will allow you to blog and get paid for doing so provided you continue to update your platform with useful information!
- Maintain Worthy Ethics. Do NOT knowingly misrepresent any product or service or deliberately mislead your readers in any way to earn a buck! If you do you are now 'branded' and they are now 'gone' and likely for good! Remember your success at earning an income is based entirely upon the trust and credibility you have established so don't blow it with foolish mistakes motivated by greed!
28 Jan 2012
Tips for Make Internet Marketing Blog Work
Having an internet marketing blog that will earn an income for you is actually the successful culmination of many strategies! Making money blogging goes far beyond simply publishing some posts and making products offers! If you expect to blog and get paid to do so there are 5 'milestones' you'll need to both reach and continually maintain and they are as followed!
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